Finland timezone is GMT+2 (East European Time EET)

Finland belongs to the East European Time EET timezone which is GMT +2 hours. It means that Finland is one hour ahead compared to the majority of Europe that live in Central European Time CET. CET is GMT +1.

Finnish time zone has some practical influences on business and work in Finland:
  • Finland based employees can have virtual meetings with Asian and US colleagues at the same working day. If Finnish employees start they day 8-9, which is normal in Finland, they still have few common hours with their Asian colleagues or customers for virtual meetings. Later in the afternoon US colleagues or customers start their working day when Finnish employees are leaving the office but it's still possible to schedule meetings late in the Finnish afternoon or early evening so that US colleagues attend.
  • From Finland it's easy to fly to Central Europe for meeting in the morning. The one hour advance makes it possible to take early flight from Helsinki and arrive in Central Europe around 9am (For example 6.40 morning flight (Air Berlin) arrives in Berlin 7.35 AM. Finnish businessman can arrive to 9 am meeting without any problems.
  • The other side of the coin (see bullet number two) is that in the evening getting back to Finland from business dinners in Central Europe is usually impossible and because usually last planes arrive in Helsinki around 11 pm local time. This means 10 pm CET and when normal flight are around two hours it means that most last planes to Helsinki departure from Central Europe around 8pm. If you want to be at the airport on time you don't have much time after business day to catch your plane.


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